An Easy Way To Learn To Sing Better ...

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for just $16.59/mth* (*billed annually)
Become a Member Today
for just $27/mth (Monthly Subscription)
I will help you sing your favourite songs with total confidence
in as little as 5 minutes per day, in a step by step, easy & fun online environment.
Angie Caldwell Founder Unlock Your Voice - creator Singing Made Easy Program

Learn How To Unlock Your Voice in the
  Singing Made Easy Membership.

Singing lessons can help you achieve your singing goals whilst having lots of fun. All of our students say they "wish they had started sooner!"

The Unlock Your Voice Singing Made Easy Membership provides you the keys to unlock your natural voice talent, no matter where you are vocally. You may be a beginner wanting to sing in tune or an advanced singer preparing for live performances or studio recordings, our membership is the perfect place to learn to sing better and with total confidence.



From The Desk Of Angie Caldwell Founder - Unlock Your Voice | Singing Made Easy

Have you ever wished you could sing your favourite artists songs with total confidence?

I’m not sure if you know this but Professional singers are not born talented. They've all had to learn to sing and unlock their voice. The reality is most people don't know how to sing, yet they hold back from fulfilling a lifelong dream generally because they are scared of singing in front of a teacher or peer group.

The good news is singing can be learnt. It's just like learning an instrument or going to the gym. Over time with the right guidance and consistent practice you will be singing effortlessly in no time at all. And to make it less confronting and even easier for you I’ve created Singing Made Easy. A complete learn to sing program that will help you become a master of your own voice.

Member Benefits - Check Out What's Inside...

As a member of Singing Made Easy you will receive instant access to our 6Week FastTrack Program Plus 12 Months Member Access to Monthly Training. Each week a new lesson will be unlocked with bonus monthly training and tools and resources to help you become a confident singer.

1 Breathing Support & Posture

  • How to Support Your Breathing
  • Breathing Exercises
  • Picking New Songs
  • Fast Track Key and more...

2 How to Warm Up Your Voice

  • The best warm ups for your voice
  • Warm Up exercises
  • ā€‹Unlocking your songs
  • Fast Track Key and more...

3 Strength & Flexibility

  • Creating strength & flexibility
  • New exercise sounds
  • Using special techniques in songs
  • Fast Track Key and more...

4 How to Hit the High Notes

  • Expanding your range
  • Practicing the new scales
  • ā€‹Sliding into new songs
  • Fast Track Key and more...

5 Get The Most out of Your Voice

  • Factors on vocal health
  • Things that make it harder to sing
  • Maintaining good vocal health
  • Fast Track Key and more...

6 Improve Power & 
Control in Your Voice

  • Navigating your voice, Power & Control
  • 5Steps, Arpeggio Types & Shapes
  • Using shapes in a song
  • Fast Track Key and more...

7 How to Learn a Song

  • Breakdown a song
  • Elements of a song
  • How to open up your song
  • Fast Track Key and more...

NEW Training Added Every Month

Each month a new training will be added to your membership to support your ongoing vocal development

Value Packed Bonuses

  • Audio Scales
  • Resource Toolbox
  • Personal Feedback
  • Exercises with Angie
  • Fast-Track Progress Tracker

PLUS As a Member you Also Get Access to Support
Via our Online Group as long as you are an Active Member

Best Value


*Billed Annually $199

Join Today

Pay by the Month


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The decision is now.
We really want you to succeed and sing with confidence so just click the Get Started Now Button below on this page and you will be taken to a secure shopping page and in just a few clicks you will be on your way to singing those impossible songs with confidence. We are so looking forward to seeing you in the program.

Learn the foundations to developing long lasting vocal technique

  • Extend Your Vocal Range
  • Develop Vocal Strength & Improve Your Breathing
  • Build Confidence
  • Sing Your Favourite Songs
  • Get Access to 1:1 Sessions with Our Vocal Coaches
  • Learn From Our 30 years Experience

Check Out These Extra Benefits of Singing Made Easy Membership

Become a Member Today
for just $16.59/mth* (*billed annually)
Become a Member Today
for just $27/mth (Monthly Subscription)

14 Days – 100% Money Back Guarantee

We want to eliminate any stress or hesitation you may feel by taking all the risk for you. Your risk is ZERO. You will get an entire 14 days to experience our learn to sing membership. If after you have completed your training and homework over the first 14 days and you feel our membership is not for you, just let us know. We’ll give you all your money back, no hassle.

What People Say About us...

Display the best words your students have ever spoken about the course & how it helped them.

"I started vocal lessons just over a year ago at the age of 33 with no singing background or experience at all. I was extremely self-conscious and had poor singing technique. I basically could not sing... Angie made things happen for me that I truly believed were impossible. All my goals have been achieved through Angie’s boundless methodical approach and her consistent encouragement had always reminded me never to give up...

- Alex B. Sydney, Australia

"I am a complete beginner. I always wanted to be able to sing out loud and feel proud as singing makes me feel so happy! Angie made me feel comfortable from the get go and each week my confidence and skill has improved. She is so encouraging and passionate and really knows what to focus on without too much technical mumbo jumbo. I have had private lessons and then also joined the group lessons which has helped with my confidence too. I always come away feeling happy and uplifted and focused. She is a really inspiring teacher and great communicator tooā€©" -

Linda C. Sydney, Australia

" I now understand the mechanics behind how the voice works and am able to incorporate that when it comes to speaking and singing and learning songs"

- Abdullah S. Simei, Singapore


 Become a Member Today



$199 Paid Annually


Pay by The Month


Cancel Anytime


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